News around our polyurethane tubing
Important and interesting news & datesPAPUREX News area
Job vacancies, innovative new developments or industry-relevant dates: The PAPUREX news section is guaranteed to keep you up to date and provide you with all the important first-hand information.
Nomination for the German Sustainability Award
-17.08.2023- PAPUREX is nominated for the German Sustainability Award 2024 The connectedness with...
On-site Training is possible in Mörlenbach too
29.06.2023Information on training opportunities digitally and on the spot On-Site training in...
The second edition of the PAPUREX environmental declaration
What are the effects of our work on the environment? That is exactly the question we asked...
PAPUREX Cup 2023
The PAPUREX Cup is back after more than two years! During the past week, the next edition of the...
PAPUREX stays official youth partner of SV BSC Mörlenbach
The partnership between SV BSC Mörlenbach and (back then just SV Mörlenbach) reaches back more than...
Review of the year 2022
As usual, we want to report back from the company rest with a short review of 2022: World political...