All information at a glance
Flyers & more as PDF downloadFree to download Info about our polyurethane tubing
Under our downloads we have compiled all the important information about our polyurethane tubing for you at a glance – from product flyers to customer information. Simply download the corresponding PDF document or view it directly in your browser with just a mouse click.
PAPUREX Environmental Statement

Product information flyer about our polyurethane tubing
Customer information about our polyurethane tubing
flamex® hybrid -a-
flamex® hybrid -hd-
flamex® hybrid -w-
Polyester-based PUR
Polyether-based PUR
Tubing spirals
Assembly instructions for wood reels
Technical information
as PDF-Download

polyester-based PUR
Technical information 3x1.8 C98A
Technical information 4x2.5 C98A
Technical information 5x3.1 C98A
Technical information 6x3.9 C98A
Technical information 8x5.7 C98A
Technical information 10x7.5 C98A
Technical information 12x9 C98A
Technical information 14x11 C98A
Technical information 16x11 C98A

polyether-based PUR
Technical information 4x2.5 1198A
Technical information 6x3.9 1198A
Technical information 8x5.5 1198A
Technical information 10x7 1198A
Technical information 12x8 1198A
Technical information 14x10 1198A
Technical information 16x11 1198A

Techn. information 4 x 2 flamex
Techn. information 8 x 4 flamex M
Techn. information 10 x 6 flamex M
Techn. information 12 x 8 flamex M
Techn. information 14 x 10 flamex
Techn. information 16 x 11 flamex

flamex hybrid ® – a –
Techn. information flamex hybrid a DN2
Techn. information flamex hybrid a DN4
Techn. information flamex hybrid a DN6
Techn. information flamex hybrid a DN8
Techn. information flamex hybrid a DN10
Techn. information flamex hybrid a DN11

flamex hybrid ® – w –
Techn. information flamex hybrid w DN6
Techn. information flamex hybrid w DN8
Techn. information flamex hybrid w DN10
Techn. information flamex hybrid w DN11

flamex hybrid ® – hd –
Techn. information flamex hybrid hd DN2
Techn. Information flamex hybrid hd DN4
Techn. Information flamex hybrid hd DN 6
Techn. Information flamex hybrid hd DN 8
Techn. Information flamex hybrid hd DN10
Techn. Information flamex hybrid hd DN11

Technical information 4 x 2,5 ASS-N
Technical information 6 x 3,9 ASS-N
Technical information 8 x 5,7 ASS-N
Technical information 10 x 7,5 ASS-N
Technical information 12 x 9 ASS-N

Technical information 6 x 3 KKS
Technical information 6 x 4 KKS
Technical information 8 x 5,7 KKS
Technical information 10 x 7,5 KKS
Technical information 12 x 9 KKS
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