PAPUREX’s quality management has complied with the requirements of ISO 9001 since 1996. In numerous interim audits and recertifications, we have proven time and again that our processes can keep pace with the increased requirements of the regularly revised standard. This year was no exception.
Special thanks go to the head of our quality management, Luitgard Wrba, under whose leadership our processes always keep pace with the times, which is evident not only in the recertification but also in many areas of everyday business life. You can find our current certificate on our quality management subpage.
What is ISO 9001?
The ISO 9001 standard regulates the effectiveness of quality management systems and makes them comparable with each other – worldwide. It is therefore the basis for confidence that a business partner can meet certain quality standards. Internal workflows and responsibilities as well as processes in cooperation with customers and business partners are put to the test by an external organization.

Who certifies PAPUREX?
PAPUREX has been working with TÜV Rheinland for ISO 9001 certification for several years now. It is no coincidence that we chose one of the largest institutions in Germany for the audit. As quality is a top priority at PAPUREX, we have found a partner in TÜV that can scrutinize and certify quality at the highest level.