PAPUREX donates for the affected of the flooding


A few weeks have passed already since the shocking scenes from the Ahrtal and surrounding communities have reached us. However, the reconstruction will go on for a very long time. Accordingly, the need for aid in any form is still immense.

Symbolic donation of manpower

For this reason, the management of PAPUREX W. Büchner GmbH has decided to start a fundraising campaign among the employees. A symbolic particularity of the campaign is that the colleagues haven’t been asked for monetary support directly, but they could donate their labor in form of working hours instead. The call was met with a great response. The vast majority of the PAPUREX team provided their manpower symbolically: 176 hours, which equals 22 man-days have been worked for the flooding aid of the Ahrtal in total. 

The management decided to double the value of the provided hours so that a donation amount of 8 500 € could get raised. The capital was provided for the affected via the alliance of German aid organizations “Aktion Deutschland hilft”.

The need for aid is still high 

Despite the catastrophe has occurred already a few weeks ago, the need for aid remains. For those who still want to help, it is not too late. The transaction via “Aktion Deutschland hilft” has been very easy and unproblematic so that the equivalent value of the donated working hours could be sent to the place of demand quickly.